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Platonic substance

A term that is also used in common language for example when it is said that the word is different but the "substance" has not changed refers to a specific philosophical concept identified by Plato (427 - 347 BC) acting within the doctrine of ideas, in fact the change relates the quality and not the basic idea that remains unchangeable and is the true reality as opposed to the one that appears, that it is just like a faded reflection of the Idea and therefore of the essence or substance of the manifold. We must distinguish however the reference to a specific situation of common life and then ended, as a human story, by the reference to the ideal infinite, since there is no relationship between finite and infinite, and indeed are just the opposite and it is difficult to prove in a dialectical argument a reference of the real-life to two opposing concepts because could be ironically easily refuted.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   01/01/2014                            article n°:   2406 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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