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Risk of thyroid cancer monitored in Fukushima

Individuals exposed in the most contaminated nuclear plant in Fukushima show an increased risk of cancer and in particular women and children would have a seventy percent more likely to develop thyroid cancer, since this organ is the most exposed to radioactive iodine, especially in children in which radioactive isotopes tend to concentrate in the thyroid, but the risk as a whole is quite low and these cases are not so frequent (considering that it takes about three years to develop a thyroid cancer). In the most contaminated area for international organizations there would also be a seven percent higher relative risk of leukemia in young males exposed and six of breast cancer for females, then four other cancers in girls, but in the rest of Japan the percentage increased risk would be negligible. - [A fish with high level of radiation has been caught in a port near the Fukushima plant].

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   01/03/2013                            article n°:   2147 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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