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Platonic awareness

The reasoning of philosophy in Plato are not made to please people, but to confirm the path to small steps that get with the dialectic or Socratic maieutics, then seeks the best rather than pleasant, and therefore being placed in front of an audience to reward for example those who prepared unhealthy delicious meals and unlike disapprove those who of administering smaller and bitter portions aimed at being an effective well-being there is also the awareness that will necessarily accept this attitude. In case of judgment the philosophy will not being able to use the whole series of tricks that rhetoricians use for to obtain reason and may find in complete difficult, in condition to be easily stripped and condemned by wicked and vulgar men who serve these property to act unjustly, and so consequently ugly and badly.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   02/07/2012                            article n°:   1936 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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