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Calculations of collisions between galaxies

From observations with the Hubble Space Telescope showed that the Andromeda Galaxy is approaching the speed of four hundred miles per hour to the Milky Way which is two and a half million light years of distance and is undoubtedly destined to collide first in four billion years and then to merge with our galaxy in six, but this does not necessarily mean that there will be some collision between the starrs of the two galaxies that should occupy different orbits turning around a new galactic center. In theory calculations simulated the solar system will be in danger of being destroyed and will simply another part of the galaxy in this very distant future in which the nebula of Andromeda considered sister of our will merge because of the action of the dark matter that seems to cause both the accelerating expansion of the universe is the approach of the two galaxies.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   02/06/2012                            article n°:   1911 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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