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A slow way to the development of the ideas of Plato

A part of the small qualitative leap that some attributed to Parmenides in that sort of slow pathway for the development of the doctrine of ideas that in Plato finds his representative chief (at least from the written remains since there are only fragments of Anaxagoras and Socrates did not leave nothing in writing) should keep in mind that the goal of own philosophy tended to find a principle that could reduce the multiplicity to the unity and hence the need for a concept as the essence of things that could almost bring order to the multiplicity of diverse material things in perpetual becoming. The Pythagoreans also considered harmonious balance of opposites that had a relationship with the numbers in the sense of a succession of points and then the rhythm which regulated the cosmos, but Plato with a further development puts all these categories in a transcendent ideal sphere of thought and probably using the dialectic as a means of investigation succed to find a path on which to focus his research that are not influenced by the material reality and point directly to the concept underlying all things.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   11/04/2012                            article n°:   1867 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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