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In order to not forget the extermination camps

In occasion of the day of the memory it does not remain that to remember which bad point can devise the human mind; in fact who was interned (not only Hebrew, but also politics dissident, man with handicaps, witnesses of Jehovah and Christians) if wanted to survive had to demonstrate the theory of the nazis of being to level of the beasts and becoming torturer of the own companions of misadventure or to collaborate with the Germans in that "job that renders free" evidenced in the Auschwitz concentration camp of total annihilation. Always opportune is to remember the past also more violent in order not to return to commit the same errors, but often unfortunately feels still the denunciation of tortures practiced also in Italy, and perhaps would have to speak about the day of the memory for all the "holocausts" of entire population (native Americans, Africans, Palestinian, Armenians, Albanians..).

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   27/01/2007                            article n°:   179 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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