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Radiation more or less positive

Radiation can be used for therapeutic foster care by radiotherapy for cancer and also for certain skin diseases (eg curieterapia), but can also be very harmful to the body and the same Marie Sklodowska Curie who did long researches on the radioactivity, died of leukemia, probably for having excessively exposed to radiation that emanate from elements such as uranium, polonium and radium. The couple Pierre and Marie Curie are known for studies of radioactivity and in particular Marie in difficult conditions by examining the properties of pitchblende and calcolite discovered in 1898 that these minerals were much more active than uranium, to be able to extract the polonium (named of the Marie Curie country origin) and after another exhausting attempts, the radio, described as "naturally bright and fascinating azure" (not knowing the danger of the element).

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   07/04/2011                            article n°:   1548 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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