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The artists and the Platonic art

The art to be truly educative should be not only pleasant but also useful and should correspond to ideals of goodness and virtue that for Plato (427-347 BC) can only belong to the philosophy, in fact the artist mimics the reality that is not sensitive and then the true reality is only the illusion of the senses, then it is art imitating an ideal world is three degrees away from reality (in practice is a copy of a copy). The negative educational deception of the art will increase if the artist in his works playing with his personal vision of the material world also threatens the harmony of the reality, so the beauty of art should correspond as closely as possible to the truth that hide beneath the erroneous perception of the senses, such as when you declaim a poem, music or painting an object that without have direct knowledge of it if not works with own hands.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   01/03/2011                            article n°:   1513 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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