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The Platonic meditation

From the description in some dialogues of the attitudes of Socrates (469-399 BC) before dealing with a specific technique dialectical argument, one wonders what would be the meditation of Platonic type (taught initially probably by Anaxagoras), since that for example in the "Symposium" some guests at a banquet discuss about love, but Socrates does not arrive unmoving to think and to repeated invitations to go and call the friends respond to leave him in peace and not disturb while meditating. Plato wrote many steps to be able to make it clear to the reader what was the careful preparation that the teacher Socrates adopted for exposing the true essence of ideas, moreover, we know from other authors that was able to remain motionless for a whole day and was also very strong physically, with a moral fiber that can withstand the pain.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   01/01/2011                            article n°:   1463 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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