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Radiotherapy for prostate cancer and prevention

Men suffering from prostate cancer according to a new study may benefit from radiation therapy alongside to hormone therapy reducing after seven years by more than forty percent of the total number of deaths from the disease, but in addition to great benefits there would be a small risk of side effects such as impotence and difficulty or frequency in urination. In previous studies, researchers still in the case of prostate cancer were able to identify a genetic modification in a protein that can be detected with a simple, inexpensive urine test, whereas the level of a specific antigen PSA is now considered not very indicative (or requires further testing).. however prevention is still fundamental, is through the nutrition with protective foods such as tomatoes and tomato cooked sauce is with a balanced and mild exercise to keep fit.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   09/11/2010                            article n°:   1417 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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