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Long-lived is born and is become

Would seem from some researches that the longevity is tied to genetic causes; in fact in familiar stocks that introduce many cases of individuals that have caught up considerable ages there are a greater probability that the descendants live much along. The University of Sassari seems that has found in the exceptionally long-lived studied Sardinian individuals the genetic deficiency of an enzyme that would have to synthesize the glucose; therefore the issue could be of alimentary type like demonstrates some researches that maintaining a hypo caloric nourishment and controlling the stable and low the level of insulin some the production, would have extended to excess the life of mouse from study (and would seem to work also on the man). In some islands of Japan instead the consumption of great amounts of algae marine could to favor the longevity; finally religious individuals in every part of the planet that with the prayer and a particularly moderate style of life seems they catch up remarkable goals of age.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   09/04/2006                            article n°:   138 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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