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Hearing of whales and noise pollution

Using a type of computer processing of three-dimensional images obtained from computed tomography scans the researchers were able to identify the mechanisms that regulate the perception of sounds and behavior of tissues used for hearing in the cochlea of whales so that they can also improve ship sonar devices and develop technologies that can disturb less the hearing of whales. Only with a sound knowledge of the mechanisms that allow to the creatures that inhabit the oceans to interact with the environment (to navigate and find food) and communicate will be possible understand what are the real consequences of the use of sonar on these large aquatic mammals. Others studies are underway in others researches fields to change the sound waves or the noise of electronic devices to turn them into a kind of amplification or silence it properly.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   02/09/2010                            article n°:   1359 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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