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Astronomy, optics and Pythagorean knowledge

When we hear of new discoveries in astronomy and optics should be considered that the initial "correct" observations were made by applying the Pythagorean number theory to the study of the space, in fact the philosopher Philolaos of Croton (or Taranto, fifth century BC) supported the heliocentric hypothesis (theory taken up by Aristarchus of Samos and Heraclides Pontico) and probably felt that the motion of the planets was governed by a rule related to the attraction that these heavenly bodies exercised, and the apparent motion of the Sun was to be explained by the laws of the optics. In this last field the theories which were developed by Aristotle came up to influence the most important work written in this sector in Bologna in 1660: "Of the light, the colors and of the iris" by the Jesuit Francis Maria Grimaldi (1618 -1663) , which are treated diffraction, frequency, vibration of the corpuscles.. nature of colors.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   14/04/2010                            article n°:   1245 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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