Galileian nights of observation of the sky
Four hundred years after the first observations of the sky made in October of 1609 with a simple two-lens telescope by Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642) astronomers are promoting to the general public in honor of the great scientist three days of intense observation of the space with telescopes, whereas Galileo was the first to identify the four main satellites of Jupiter, and made accurate drawings of lunar craters discovered that the moon was not a perfect sphere. Be noted that although Galileo did not invent the telescope discovered in 1583 the isochronism of the pendulum and the possibility to improve the accuracy of time measurement in the field of watchmaking, (but was Christiaan Huygens to use his intuition in 1657 making the first watch to pendulum).. the activity of the scientist was limited by house arrest following the recantation for to not be tortured to cause of his astronomical theories.
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Date: 23/10/2009
article n°: 1103
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