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Hipparchus of Nicaea and the astronomy

One of the first astronomical scholars was Hipparchus of Nicaea in Bithynia, who lived in Rhodes or perhaps between 160 and 120 BC and is considered the founder of astronomy and mathematics the author of a "Catalog of the stars", full of observations on the positions of the stars recorded by other scientists, and especially known for having discovered the phenomenon of precession of the equinoxes, for having laid the foundation for the study of trigonometry, and for having built the dioptra and other astronomical instruments. Probably also the astrology with annotations and links between the positions of stars and date of birth of individuals must own to Hipparchus, but we must consider that the observations were pretty rough at the time (for example, the value of the solar parallax that the scientist calculated and used for centuries although was very wrong), and, now modern science has shown that the influence of the stars on actual events tied to the story is not certified.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   05/08/2009                            article n°:   1036 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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