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Sodium and vapor on a moon of Saturn

The Cassini probe would have detected the presence of sodium vapor erupted from long fissures in the surface of Enceladus, a small moon of Saturn of just five hundred kilometers in diameter, and this discovery could also signify the presence of water hidden in underground caves as and as has happened in the oceans on earth, the sodium present in the rocks then dissolved in the water of the oceans. Some years ago we assumed the presence of water also on Europa a satellite of Jove, but the frozen sodium vapor present in small particles launched into the space from Enceladus give hope to scientists that there might be a possibility of the presence of all the ingredients necessary to the life (water, energy and chemical bases useful for the formation of complex organic molecules).. however, further studies are needed before confirming this important discovery.

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Telephone:   +39 338 1809310          Date:   25/06/2009                            article n°:   1007 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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