The first salutary newspaper on the wellness online! To select one category with the mouse, then to click over in order visualizing the content (the article most recent is in high). After to have visualized adjourned articles and those linked , is possible directly send a message to the relative author making click on the e-mail address. It's also possible to carry out zoom of one category selecting from the appropriate menu, or to search a data, a word, a phrase put it in the apposite field and pressing the push button. [The author doesn't assume some kind of responsibility for the bad use of the articles councils]. |
To insert an article in the newspaper
Using the module online opened to all the clients of the planet of the total, real and durable Well-being is possible to insert a your newspaper article on the salutary well-being. The article will remain in the database for a period of time decided from the author of the site. It is prayed to remain in topic with salutary arguments. This newspaper online on the global wellness news is integral part of the work Salutary (Well-being Body - Mind - Soul) ©. * There are also a version for smartphone or for other Internet devices and browsers [to open eventually the history for wide display]. (< For to acceed to the insertion area to complete the registration module). |