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COVID-19 infections on the rise in Italy

There would be over two hundred victims in one day due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus with a peak of almost one hundred thousand infections and increasing percentage of positivity, particularly affected the Campania region where the health authorities have warned to maintain the containment measures against the virus given the many hospitalizations perhaps also due to less attention in the use of masks and distancing. In Veneto region there is talk of a new Omicron subvariant different from the "Xe - Xj", but defined as not worrying, while in Lombardy region many doctors denounce emotional exhaustion failing to manage the emergency. To be noted shifting attention to India a significant increase in victims lately in Kerala, then in the world in total since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic over six million five hundred thousand victims (but with data that some say underestimated).
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