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Initiatives against COVID-19 cases in South America
After the confirmation of several cases of coronavirus COVID-19 in South America the authorities of the various states gathered in a forum would take steps to deal with the virus, then there is also talk of numerous suspicious cases such as in Brazil (recently also hit in the south-east by clouds resulting in floods and landslides) where there are more than five hundred and thirty cases. Meanwhile moving further north to America California appears to have a coronavirus victim and a state of emergency have been declared, while in Washington state [..with the Florida in state of emergency] the population has often emptied supermarkets with irrational resses that among other things expose more to infections. As regards other countries around the world worsened the situation in Italy, forced to close schools throughout the country, and in South Korea where the number of new infections continues to increase despite attempts by the health authorities to contain the advance of the virus.
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Date: 05/03/2020