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Salutariness articles reading on line
A drop of blood to detect tumors
It will be possible to cure tumors at the early stage of the disease, at least from the statements of a well-known Japanese company that has developed a technologically advanced machine (to be marketed in the coming years) to detect thirteen types of tumors in a single drop of the patient's blood examining the type and concentration of micro RNA molecules secreted into the blood by cancer cells. The compact sized device is equipped with a chip that make the test in less than two hours and could probably be used in the so-called general health checkups. It is worth noting that we are changing the subject but remain on healthy issues that for example in Belgium and other countries there is apparently beginning to be a therapy that uses bacteriophages in case of antibiotic resistance, an increasingly frequent condition and dangerous if a patient does not respond to any therapy by exploiting all antibiotics, possibly enhancing the effect.
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Date: 29/11/2019