Installation and uninstall file:  Setup - Disinst

In order to install the work in the computer Hard Disk, will be enough to press F9, that it will recall the function in the Options menu of the personalized help - F2 (or to exit from the application and to load the file SetupEng.exe in the Wellness directory of the Cd-Rom from Windows® '95 to the successive, 32 bit). Are present several options of configuration (only for the less recent computers); it will have to make attention to choose that more adapted to the characteristics of system.

The program is based on innovative criteria; for this motivation is thought to work also with the less recent elaborators, will be enough an old computer with little memory Ram, audio card 16 Bit; and video with at least 256 colours S-VGA type or photographic quality (in lack of these last devices of hardware, will

be however possible to use the application using the relative options of installation, opted to the system that is possessed; but the images will turn out little clear and the sound less limpid regarding the normal configuration). For the less recent computers (es. 486) it’s possible to fast the execution of the program through the Fast function, present in the Options menu.

In order to proceed to the initialization of the program from CD-Rom, it will be enough to launch the file SetupEng.exe, from Windows® '95 in later (the installation to 32 bit requires of the browser Internet Explorer 5.0 or successive).

In the case in which desires to eliminate the program from the computer, will be enough to press F9, that it will recall the function in the Options menu of the personalized Help - F2 (or to exit from the application and launch the file Disinst.exe file in the Wellness directory through Start - Program, or also from the Control Panel of Windows® - Install/Remove applications). All the files will be eliminate from the Hard Disk.

Could appear a message of error of the operating system installing the work to 16 bit in Windows® XP, will simply be enough to restrart the computer in order to resolve the problem.

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